
Business Loan

Home Loan

Credit Card

Personal Loan

Gold Loan

Business Loan

Home Loan

Credit Card

Personal Loan

Gold Loan


  • A personal loan is a type of unsecured loan that individuals can borrow from banks, credit unions, or online lenders for various personal expenses. Unlike secured loans, personal loans do not require collateral.
  • Personal loans provide borrowers with a lump sum of money that they must repay in fixed monthly installments over a specified period, typically ranging from one to seven years. Interest rates and terms vary based on the lender and the borrower’s creditworthiness.
  • Personal loans can be used for various purposes, including debt consolidation, home improvement, medical expenses, education, travel, or any other legitimate personal expense. Lenders usually do not restrict the use of personal loan funds.

Eligibility criteria vary by lender but typically include factors such as a good credit score, stable income, a low debt-to-income ratio, and a history of responsible financial behavior. Each lender may have specific requirements.

A secured personal loan requires collateral, such as a vehicle or savings account, to secure the loan. An unsecured personal loan does not require collateral but typically has higher interest rates compared to secured loans.